Honored to have my painting “Calligramme de Grenouile: le canard jaune – Calligram of frog: The yellow Duck” picked up by the poet Rick McKenzie and to have inspired his stunning poem: “How ?” so revelant to my own path.
With permission by Rick McKenzie:
I have made a billion choices.
Each one led to more decisions
That formed the way my life has gone.
Sometimes it was completely plain,
Other times I had to trust in luck.
But how could I have ever known
That all of it could only bring me
To where I am right here, right now?
Rick McKenzie ©2016
A collection of McKenzie’s poetry: “Money” is available on Amazon or Barnes & Nobles

BROWARD ART UILD:(until June 16th)
Group exhibition by the Broward Art Guild
Original oil on canvas by Pascal: Calligramme de Grenouilles: Yellow Duck, oil on canvas 20×20.
Gallery Hours: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: Noon to 9 pm Thursday Noon-6pm.Sunday-Tuesday: Closed.
Exhibit Run Dates: June 1st, 2016 to June 16th 2016
Broward Art Guild Gallery
3280 NE 32nd Street
(North Beach Restaurants & Shoppes Plaza)
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308