Homage to Patrice Chéreau

French opera and theatre director, filmmaker, actor, and producer Patrice Chéreau ( 2 November 1944 – 7 October 2013) passed away today.
The greatest of the past 50 years.
His influence on opera productions around the world was increasingly visible ever since that milestone production of the Ring (Bayreuth, 1976-1983), having substantial impact on concepts of other directors and designers like me who had chosen to follow the path of the so-called “Regietheater”, which may involve the transposition of the stage action into a different historical context by means of anachronistic or abstract costumes and set designs.

Oct, 7th Facebook Bluepainter

Numa Sadoul j’ai posté cette image quelques heures avant d’apprendre le décès de Patrice Chéreau. Le “brigadier de théâtre”, le bâton rayé, que j’ai beaucoup utilisé dans mes peintures (mais bleu et blanc) venait du Rheingold de 1976. Sans mon étude sur Chéreau, je n’aurais jamais été pris comme assistant etc… et n’aurais jamais fait une carrière de décorateur. De toutes façons, c’est un univers qui a profondément influencé mon travail pictural. Un Maître, quoi.
October 8 at 7:03pm · Facebook Bluepainter
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