In addition to the remakes of the Corrida, and with my taste to play with the masterpieces of the classic artworks… it was fun to place the Matador within others paintings.
They have been published in a special chapter of “Chefs-d’oeuvre/masterpieces by Pascal Lecocq” (Usa, 2011), available online, under the name of “Self References”.
Excerpt: ” And Pascal did more than one with his signature pic of “The Matador”, as a painting buried in Santa’s sack, hung on wall in a living or a board room, on a poster seen by transparency on a window, or as a sculpture inspired by it at the top of the Colosseum or displaying the famous beach towel made from his masterpiece.”
Larger pics to be published on the social medias this week.

Pascal is a big fan of all paintings depicting a Cabinet of Curiosities like the ones of Frans Francken
the Younger (1581-1642) or Jacques Poirier (1928-2002), the master of the realist
“Trompe l’Oeil”…, or a gallery of paintings like painted by Paolo Panini (1691-1765), or Hubert
Robert (1733-1808)…, intimately making an immemorial chain of artifacts, artworks,
painters to continue…
If one sees Pascal’s connections with collector Sir Joan Soane (1753-1837), writer
Georges Pérec (1936-1982) or filmmaker Peter Greenaway (b.1942), and his wit
playing with riddles, rebuses, alliterations, correspondences, puns, symbols and
numbers, it is logical to end with a painting composed as a matryoshka doll: the
bears look at a billboard, which is a previous Pascal’s painting (“Cuppycake”), which
includes a towel printed on with Pascal’s signature painting “The Matador”.”
Oil on canvas by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ®, 61x76cm, 24″x30″, 2009. lec801. Private collection, Dale City, VA.
Prints on paper or canvas available.
Published in Ocean Geographic (Australia, 201o).