Happy 20th Anniversary The Matador ! Part 2: The Press Book 1993-2013

The Corrida has been published almost 95 times (as our knowledge) in 20 different countries.

    Have a look to the Large Portfolio
      Northwest Dive News with Pascal's Matador cover

Here are the links from our pressbook to read them online:

Nice-Matin (France, 1993), Lettre de Méditerranée 2000 (France, 1994), Yam (cover, Israel, 1995), Mer et Littoral (France, 1995), Red sea Magazine (Israel, 1995), Le Pays d’Auge (France, 1995), Marie-Claire Maison (France, 1996), Plongee-Magazine (France, 1996), Connaissances des Hommes (France, 1996), Librairie du Plongeur (France, 1996), Océans (France, 1996), Duiken (The Netherlands, 1997), Tauchen (Germany, 1997), Tslilia (Israel, 1997), Yam (Israel, 1998), Oktopus (Russia, 1998), Katadysi (cover, Greece, 1998), World Expo’98 Lisboa (Portugal, 1998), Sport Divers Journal (cover, China, 1998), Fun Plongee (Belgium, 1998), Masq (Belgium, 1998), Pascal Lecocq Diving Book (cover, Israel, 1999), Dykking (Norway, 1999), Le Renouveau (Tunisia, 1999), Diving Club (Russia, 2000), Uzzi Catalogue (USA, 2000), Oktopus (Russia, 2001), Sarasota Herald Tribune (USA, 2201), Asian Diver (Singapore,2001), Eco-Nature (Nouvelles-Calédonie, 2002), Submarine (Hungary, 2002), Neptun (Russia, 2003), Fantasea (USA, 2003), L’Equipe-Magazine (France, 2003), Mer et Littoral (France, 2003), Aqua (Ukraina, 2003), Montmartre à la Une (France, 2005), Yam (Israel, 2006), Diver (Canada, 2006), Teva (France, 2009), Going Down (USA, 2010), Coral Magazine (USA, 2011).

As the Corrida III: Northwest Dive News (cover, USA, 2007), Diving Almanac Yearbook (Canada, 2007), Diving Almanac book of Records (Canada, 2010), Web Plongee (France, 2010), Dive News Wire (USA, 2010), Dive News Wire (USA, 2010), X-Ray Mag (Denmark, 2010), Chefs-d’oeuvre / Masterpieces by Pascal Lecocq (USA, 2011), Shark ! a visual story (USA, 2012), Travelhost magazine (USA, 2012), Padi (USA, 2013).

As a print:   Ouest-France (France, 2004), Divetek (Russia, 2004), Festival Mondial de l’Image Sous-marine Programme (France, 2004), Paradise-Plongee (France, 2006), Shark Research Institute (USA, 2006), Diving Almanac Yearbook (Canada, 2006), Ocean Geographic (Australia, 2007), Oktopus (Russia, 2007), Diving Almanac Yearbook (Canada, 2007), Diving Almanac Yearbook (Canada, 2008), Midwest Dive News (USA, 2010), Ocean Geographic (Australia, 2010), Northwest Dive News (USA, 2011), Northeast Dive News (USA, 2011), Midwest Dive News (USA, 2011), En Profondeur (Québec, 2011), Southeast Dive News (USA, 2011), InVertum (Russia, 2012), EnUSAnews (USA, 2012),  Padi (USA, 2013), Sun-Sentinel (USA, 2013).
 As the  Corrida Grande, featured in Festival Mondial de l’Image Sous-marine Programme (France, 1997), Nice-Matin (France, 1997), Dykking (Norway, 1999), Festival Mondial de l’Image Sous-marine Programme (France, 1999), Diving Club (Russia, 2000),
As Yam watercolors, Yam (Israel, 1998).
As the Aquart Sphere : Festival Mondial de l’Image Sous-marine Programme (France, 2010), Divosea (France, 2010), En Profondeur (Québec, 2011), InVertum (Russia,2011).
As the Art-House Co-op project: The Canvas Project: a visual encyclopedia (USA, 2011).
As the Uzzi towel: Journal du Festival d’Antibes (France, 2001), Diving-Club (Russia, 2003), Grand Strand (USA, 2012).

As the Dan Blanket : Alert Divers (USA, 2006), DAN (USA, 2006), Alert Divers (USA, 2006).

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