10th year collaboration with the Champagne Bourdelat: 6 new bottle caps in the special Collector Pascal coffret

10th Collector Pascal lecocq Champagne Edmond Bourdelat with bottle caps from Pascal’s paintings.

The 2024-5 pack is usually a big hit at the Paris Dive Show, this year you can purchase it online to complete your collection and drink the finest French Champagne ever.

Will be also available at the next Paris Dive Show in January 2025

De nouveau cette année, Les Champagne Edmond Bordelat et Pascal ont collaboré pour vous offrir un coffret de six bouteilles aux capsules représentant des tableaux du peintre (Coffret collector #10)

Find out more about the collaboration between Le Peintre du Bleu and Champagne Bourdelat over the past 10 years.

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