Sept 29 – Oct 3 Angers, La Bulle

ANGERS, La Bulle Dive shop presents show and apperance by Pascal. In partnership with the Restaurant Le Papagayo, 44 bd Ayrault, phone 0241870335
Sept 29- Oct 3

La Bulle, 22 Bd Gaston Birgé, 49100 Angers, tel:02-4120-0706
opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday Noon-2:30pm,
Monday to Friday 7-11pm

A Unique show in France by the Painter of Blue since January

Sam, La Bulle owner with Pascal during the opening; pic by G.lecocq

Pascal's exhibition in Le Papagayo, 2008, pic by G.Lecocq Opening exhibition Pascal Lecocq, Angers, 2008, pic by G.Lecocq,

Pascal's exhibition in Le Papagayo, 2008 Opening exhibition Pascal Lecocq, Angers, 2008, pic by G.Lecocq,

Pascal's exhibition in Le Papagayo, 2008 Paintings by Pascal Lecocq, Angers, 2008

Pascal's exhibition in Le Papagayo, 2008 Paintings by Pascal Lecocq, Angers, 2008

Paintings by Pascal Lecocq, Angers, 2008 Paintings by Pascal Lecocq, Angers, 2008, pic by G.Lecocq

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