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Chasseresse Diane - Diana the Hunteress (inspired by a sculpture by E.McCartan/1923, Metropolitan Museum of Art) , oil on canvas, 36"x24", 2012 by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ® © www.pascal-lecocq.com one of the twenty new original oil paintings unveiled in Las Vegas during the Dema Show. | ||||||||
A preview of the display of some new original oil on canvas for the Dema show at Pascal's studio last week.
Since May 12, until Jan 4, 2013, first appearance of French artist Pascal in an American Museum:SHARK ! at the Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale.
Contact me directly at contact@pascal-lecocq.com My FB Friends get 25% discount from time to time on my shop online...
Dear {{{firstname}}}
It's the time of the year I'm used to unveiled the paintings I completed this year and I will be pleased to exhibit twenty of them at the Dema Show in Las Vegas, The Sands Convention Center November 14-17. You will find my display at booth 2979 including new art prints, new tiles, mugs and mousepads and the greeting card 2013 for my 15th solo exhibition at the Dema Show, making myself the unique painter in the marine art speciality to have exhibited every year since 1998 and to support the Dive Industry. Sands Expo and Convention Center 201 Sands Avenue - Las Vegas Date(s) - 14/11/2012 - 17/11/2012 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Croak, 9 oil on canvas, 2"x2", 2012 by Pascal Lecocq, The Painter of Blue ® © www.pascal-lecocq.com
More to see within my Complete schedule 2012- 2013- 2014, news on my new website, facebook, blog, pinterest, twitter...
Best Blue Regards, Pascal The new greetings card: Happy New Bubbles is ordeable online and at the show | |||||||
PASCAL LECOCQ ®, THE PAINTER OF BLUE ®, Pascal's signature ® are registered trademarks of Pascal Lecocq The artwork featured on the items represented herein is the copyrighted work of Pascal Lecocq, Cerulean Blue Inc. Reproduction of this document or any of the elements contained herein is actionable under the Federal Copyright Act and Trademark Act, 17 U.S.C. 507, et. Seq. and 25 U.S.C. 114, et.seq. All contents copyrighted 1998-2012 by Pascal Lecocq/Cerulean Blue,Inc. | ||||||||
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{{{forwardtofriend}}} | Copyright © Pascal Lecocq/Cbic 1998-2012 |
Cerulean Blue Inc. - p-o-box 101265 - Fort Lauderdale FL 33334 |